You know...I'm pretty excited seeing my progress right now. I dropped 12kgs within 4 months. I've changed my eating habit and trying to stay active. Eventho sometimes I ate crap food, but most of the time, I opt for something healthy. When people trying to advice me not to eat rice,yada yada yada..I just take their advice and move on. I eat rice..I mean not everyday,if I feel like eating em, I eat. I cut all the craps sugary drinks (kadang2 minum jugak.:p) no kfc and all. bukan tak boleh makan, I rarely take em now. Within 4months, dah nampak perubahan. Eventhough tak banyak, but still...ada jugak dari takde kan?

I still need to lose like banyak gilaa..but I know, I'll succeed this time. Slow pun takpe. Because, I've been thru alot of pain and kalau aku stop,it's just not worth it man.. baik teruskan je. The reason I want to do this,because I'm tired. Aku tak kisah pun orang nak ejek. Aku sendiri rasa penat jadi gemuk. hahaha.  So I've decided to do something about it. And aku tengok orang marathon jauh2,best gila kot. Aku nak jugak. So...kita mulakan lah. And aku tak sekat pemakanan aku gila2 macam aku tengok, makan green apples and milk. Like, WHAT ARE YOU DOING GIRL? You need to know the correct food to eat. Kau boleh kurus makan epal dengan susu hari2. tapi you're depriving yourself. nanti sampai satu masa nafsu makan kau meletup,kau melantak gila babs punya. choose something healthy. just within your calorie goal. AND KAU INGAT KAU MAKAN HOTDOG REBUS HARI2 SIHAT KE?????????????? PROCESSED FOOD KALAU BOLEH JANGAN LA KAU TALA HARI2.  Lepas tu kau bajet nak tolong orang kurus. You're giving out the wrong idea doh. OPT FOR SOMETHING HEALTHY. Okay? XX