Just when I thought things finally got better, another unfortunate event arrives. For once, I just want my life to be stable and not in such a mess. I'm 22. Living like this is so hard. Hard because when things seems to be fall into place, then another by another shit comes by. Past few days, I've been so happy about this 'thing', thinking it would definitely change my life, my social life, my financial and so on. So much for life changing news, it got cancelled, which I feel like I've crashed into a big rock. I'm trying so hard to be positive about it but I can't. I just can't. The fact that they offered me something good and all of sudden they cancelled it makes me sad, angry and heart broken. I mean come on mannnn..... :(( It feels like I'm trying to walk but fell down and fell down real hard. I want to make things right. I want to make my life right. It seems like so hard....Allah... Help me....:((((